
Friday, 19 September 2014

recycle rug

Here at the hostel people quite often leave things behind: cameras, shoes, toiletries, jewelery and a ton of clothes. Most of the time our 70l bin with lost and found clothing is overflowing with unwanted or forgotten items. Every now and then we go through that bin and everyone can have what ever they want. That way I have ended up with quite a few free outfits. And when we're sure that there is no one who wants these clothes, not previous owners not staff members, we take them to one of the many charity shops in town.

I am generally a big fan recycling, my mom always made sure everything ended up in the right bins to the point where here at the hostel I sometimes take things out of the wrong bin and put them in the right one (very German I know). But I also like the idea of reducing rubbish by reusing things.
In school we were taught to use reusable lunch containers and bottles, as a kid my mom would drag me to car boot sales or flea markets and a lot of my clothes were second hand. Today half my wardrobe still comes from charity shops, second hand markets or the lost and found bin in the hostel.  

And now I have found a way to reuse some of the unwanted lost and found clothes, reduce rubbish and combine them with my crafts. I cut the old t-shirts into long strips and with a really big crochet hook I make new items out of them. The first one being a rug, but there are so many things they can be used for. I am already planning the next projects and since I worked on my rug while working the front desk, there are already other people who are interested in items made from old T-shirt, yay!

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